The Top 10 Benefits of Bringing Your Pet to Work According to Frank Averill

Frank Averill
4 min readMar 19, 2021


Bringing a pet to work has many benefits for the employee and the culture of the office. People who bring their pets to work are more relaxed, have better relationships with their coworkers, and are more productive than people who cannot bring their pets to work.

Frank Averill of Averill Electric shares the top 10 benefits of bringing a pet to work and explains how companies can put pet-friendly policies into place.

1. Pets Support A Positive Work-Life Balance

Having a pet in the office is associated with taking frequent breaks from the work at hand. Taking breaks may seem like it interferes with productivity, but the inverse is true. Mental breaks allow employees to process information better and can help to prevent burnout.

2. Pets Reduce Stress

Pets promote a happier workplace with lower stress levels. A recent study by the Center for Human-Animal Interaction at Virginia Commonwealth University found that people had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies when they have a dog nearby in the office. In addition to lowering cortisol in employees’ bodies, having pets in the office raises the level of oxytocin as well. Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” and makes people feel happier and more relaxed.

3. Pets Improve Productivity

It may seem counterintuitive, but pets improve productivity in the office. People who take breaks from their work report feeling more focused when they return to their desks. Better focus is associated with higher productivity. Having a beloved pet close by also relaxes employees, letting them concentrate on their work.

4. Having Pets in the Office Saves Money on Healthcare

Having pets in the office is associated with lower healthcare costs, meaning employers do not have to spend as much on insurance. Pet ownership saves $11 billion yearly on healthcare. In addition, people who walk their dogs frequently are less likely to be obese, meaning that healthcare costs are lowered even further.

Pets are thought to be associated with lower blood pressure and cholesterol and better cardiovascular health overall. Patients who have a pet are more likely to recover from a heart attack fully. All of these considerations can help to lower employers’ health care spending.

5. Better Recruitment

A pet-friendly workplace may have the effect of increasing job applications. Talented people want to work in friendly, relaxed environments. In addition, in particular, dogs do not like to be left alone at home and may have behavioral issues. A pet owner who is concerned about leaving their pet at home for long periods may be motivated to apply for a job where they can bring their pet to work.

6. Better Employee Mental Health

Pet ownership is associated with better mental health. When employees feel happier and more relaxed in the office, work-related anxiety, depression, and burnout are less likely to occur. Pet owners are more mentally resilient than non-pet owners because they have a built-in support system. They are less likely to feel lonely, which is a significant risk factor for mental health problems.

7. Better Socialization

Having pets in the office means that employees are more likely to have positive social relationships. Having good relationships with coworkers means that an employee feels better about their job. Pets can encourage social interactions that otherwise would not have happened, especially between employees and higher-ups.

8. Pets Promote Positive Company Culture

Including pets in the workplace has a beneficial effect on company culture. Company culture is how its employees perceive a company, executives, and the public. Having a relaxed and friendly atmosphere such as that promoted by pets in the workplace means that company culture is improved.

9. Pet Owners Have More Fun

People who have fun at work are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. This promotes employee loyalty and means that employees are more likely to recommend their employer to their friends looking for work.

10. Added Convenience for Employees

When an employee works full-time, they may be concerned that they cannot meet all of their responsibilities outside the office. Dog daycare programs are expensive, and many people cannot afford them. Having pets in the office means that pet owners’ lives are simplified.

Tips for Adding Pets To Your Workplace

Employers who can consider having a pet-friendly workplace may wonder how they can start reaping the benefits. The first step toward having pets in the office is constructing a fair, equitable pet policy. Most employers choose to allow only dogs in the office because cats may be stressed by being in an environment with new people and many dogs. Employees need to keep their pets healthy and well-groomed. They need to make sure that their animals are well-trained, cutting down on the likelihood of accidents or pet bites.

Pets Can Work in Your Office

These ten benefits show why having pets in the office is a good idea. Frank Averill of Averill Electric believes that pro-pet policies allow employees to be happier, more productive, and less stressed. He hopes that more companies will see these benefits for themselves.



Frank Averill

I am focused on innovating the construction industry, with a goal of saving the environment for the future of all mankind.